Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Walls Are Closing in on BAS!

What a week! Every post on seems to be calling Brett out on his bullshit. Way to go people! He can't delete or modify the posts fast enough and it's getting to him. I just love watching the little rat squirm.

Now he's paranoid that all of his detractors are using fake IP addresses to log back on after he cuts them off. Thanks for the idea BAS!! If he cuts you off from posting or eliminates your account just go to one of those proxy sites that let you surf the net anonymously. They're free!

Just keep signing up as different user names until the truth chokes his chicken little neck. Don't forget to post the link to this blog any chance you get. All of the newbies to should know that the administrator is a douche bag who lies through his teeth. They need to know about this blog!

It's up to you people! If you want to end his bullshit you need to mobilize. Treat him with the same honesty and respect he has shown for you all of these years. Expose him for what he really is!!


Anonymous said...

It would be helpful if you posted the url for his blog in this segment. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry -- I misread your post: you want people to post "this" link, not "his" link. But I do know that at some point, a couple of years ago, I came upon a site & blog that BAS had. I'm quite sure it was him = at the time, he was living off-shore...

D. Hardaway said...

Yes, this blog. People need to see it.

He was living offshore??? I wonder why...LOL. Oh, that's right, he says he was "innocent."

Anonymous said...

All this pedophile stuff is not "new news", as you know. Thing is, the info was not being dispersed in a wide fashion when bg-beat was started: what with the guy who does the Civil War re-enactments, the criminal charges being filed in GA, BAS supposedly living in the SoCal area, and then this guy with the same name, claiming to be a techno geek, living on some beach on a tropical island somewhere, it WAS kinda difficult to make an absolute determination of identity.

I mean, why would a guy who makes enough $$$ in the tech field to live luxuriously bother himself with the piddly wages of bg work?

And the charges were filed in GA, while BAS lives in SoCal...

AND -- the biggest thing -- NO ONE in bg, other than a few of us, were discussing it. Otherwise, EVERYONE would be talking about it, right?

SOOO, I figured that there were four different people, all with the same name:

1) BAS doing Civil War;
2) BAS doing bg in CA;
3) BAS doing little boys and/or girls in GA;
4) BAS getting tanned on a beach on some mysterious foreign island.

Anonymous said...

Someone asked him a very important question. Who, in his warped little mind, does he think the 3 to 5 largest/busiest casting companies were.

He couldn't even answer the question before going off on some random tirade about something else. Freak is in his own little world on what the reality of casting these days.

He thinks these has-beens are the big sh!t. Laughable.

And what if multiple people are in the same apartment complex using the same wi-fi and computers?

This guy needs a reality check.

D. Hardaway said...


Now you know. BAS took the leg work out of it for all of us and clearly stated which BAS he is.

I had no idea about any of his history either. Readers of this blog brought it to my attention.

It actually helps to understand him all the better. His crusade against HOS makes sense now. Obviously someone with so much to hide would go to any lengths to discredit anyone who knows the real truth about him. HOS must have found out about the real BAS.

D. Hardaway said...

I agree about the wi-fi connection. I was thinking about that myself.

How could a person who supposedly unlocked the iPhone not know that there are thousands of ways to re-route and disguise your IP address. Obviously he's full of shit about that claim too.

Anonymous said...

On the Net he’s used these names:

INMATE #______________ (Atlanta)
INMATE #______________ (Atlanta)
INMATE #______________ (Beverly Hills)

These are the mark of our beast.

Source material for these names can be provided.

Actually he didn’t use HOLLYWOOD GEEK himself.

When he was finally banned from a site where he was user CABOBRETT they renamed all his old posts

Anonymous said...

Sag Qualification for BAS?

As a researcher I blew it!

When I previously posted the question, “Should a wanted felony fugitive from justice be permitted to join SAG?”

1. The Moderator was no longerwanted.

2. He had already been

3. While in jail, on 22 Dec 2004, his bench warrant was canceled.

4. Since the Moderator is no longer wanted he can join SAG.join.



He appears to have fled Atlanta to Mexico. Crossed the border back into California. Then as the
Moderator, started a web site forum for TV/movie extras in Beverly Hills at:

Was arrested, released and become obsessed with Hollywood OS, present day.

Tueton said...

I just have to add this to keep the innocent, innocent. Resting eyeballs stated the confusion about identity. Which also got me, so I researched it. The people he speaks of in numbers 2 through 4 sre the same Brett Schulte. However; number 1, doing the civil war enactment, is not.

Unfortunately for this individual he has the same name. In actuallity; he is a 29 year resident in Illinois who is big on the Civil War and St. Louis Cardinals. He is also the same person who runs If you look this individul up on MySpace (last I checked, his was not private) you can see the difference in the two. Especially in the ears; BAS ears are more pinned back. Hopefully for this innocent Brett, BAS will become known as Brett Arthur as he uses for his film credits.

As for the tech thing, this is also the same BAS. I found some interesting info about unlocking the Iphone. One; no one has furnished the video or pictures of him demonstrating this. Two; the software he was demonstrating for came from

Well, on other blogs, people have been complaining that they appear to be running a scam to swindle them out of their money by switching bank accounts and not delivering any products. I do not find this surprising that BAS could be involved in another illeagal scam.

Quite simply, BAS is involved in tech, BG work, and the case in Georgia; but not, the Civil War Re-enactments out of Illinois, nor a huge fan of the Cardinals.

Anonymous said...

Hey, tueton.

I'm sure the REAL Mr. Schulte would thank you, if he were reading this blog.

I wonder if he's "gotten wind" of all this mess; poor fella: he's probably a pretty cool dude...

Tueton said...

Actually; I just sent him a friendly heads up just so he wouldn't be confused about any strange hate mail he may receive by mistake.