Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy 40th Birthday Nutsack!!!

Well it's BAS 40th birthday ya'll. He is really due congratulations for surviving as long as he has. After all, how many of us would have loved to see it over at 39? He's one of those guys that even a mother wouldn't miss.

I digress. It looks like there may be no more need for this blog so you may be looking at the last post. Like everything else in his life, BAS has failed at being a website administrator also. Without BAS no longer has a voice, therefore has been rendered impotent. The "Twit" even managed to get his "Twitter" account shut down too. I've always said that this blog would be a counterpoint to his lies on Now that he has been silenced I see no need to continue my crusade of justice.

Take pride in the fact that we have won! We have met our sad, pathetic, lying, cheating, lonely, deplorable, feeble, miserable, petty, pitiful adversary head on and crushed him like the bug he truly is. Job well done.

Now that we've got the pleasantries out of the way I encourage all of you to send BAS some birthday greetings in the comments section. I'm sure he would love to hear your tender thoughts and wishes.

40 years gone and nothing to show for it but arrests and fantasies of self importance. His parents must be so proud. Why don't you do them a favor BAS and just end it? How about buying yourself a big bag of heroin and going out like a rock star? Better yet, hang yourself from the Hollywood sign. You'll finally be as famous you imagine you are now!


Anonymous said...


Great one DH. I'm so glad someone is exposing this loser for what he really is.

Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Kudos dude. My birthday wish for him would be that he gets put in a room alone with that kid's father and uncles.


Anonymous said...

Looks like his birthday check finally cleared. is back.

Happy to say BAS updated his profile age.

30 is almost 40.

Isn't it?

Walked into his favorite wifi coffee bar. Sat down next to a lady. And asked... "Do I come in here very often?'

Boxers or briefs?

Avoid the company of young people they are a sad reminder of your long lost youth.


Anonymous said...

Saw his pictures on Stickam. What a geek. Someone should wake him up and tell him he doesn't look even close to 30 years old.


Anonymous said...

He may be using botox.

He had absolutely no facial expression during the JoJo Video: 'Not That Kinda Girl'

He's the dork on her right wearing black who can't get off the phoney.

- Twit

D. Hardaway said...

Hmmmm. Mr. SAG actor who works non-union videos.

If Jo Jo only knew what she was sitting next to.

Anonymous said...

W O W!

I'd of thought his thumbs should be bigger.


Anonymous said...


and have a very merry PINKBERRY.

You deserve it...blech!


Did Ms Hwang harvest your blackberries?


Anonymous said...

Jimmy Buffett had a song titled "A Pirate turns 40".

What would Brett's song be titled? nice here.

Jimmy turns 61 on XMAS day.

Real class. Example of old with grace.


Anonymous said...

Having viewed Brett’s resume and photos on LACasting I feel if he’s going to stoop to doing background work he should take the time to expand his wardrobe. That cheesy looking checkered brown sports coat just doesn’t do it. Local Goodwill stores have sports coats and most suits there go for a reasonable $20, just right for those on a limited budget.

I would also suggest some new photos. Possibly the photographer or something else spooked the dogs. In the last photo the white dog appears in distress.

Unfortunately the photos of him resemble some funny TMZ mug shot or some kid’s first camera snaps. Sears does photo specials during the holidays. Maybe he can get a humorous one of a Salvation Army Santa sitting on his lap or ringing his bell.

Possibly the poor animal just needed to take a dump.

Is he wearing blue contacts? No, not the dog.

Say cheese.

Anonymous said...

Which poor animal?

Anonymous said...

"Chessy looking brown checkered sports coat"...

enuff said

Anonymous said...

Squeeze - Pop - Splat.

Sorry Central, no muscles, none.
He thought you wanted a 40 year old with pustules.

<<< pustule (noun): a puss-filled pimple >>>


Anonymous said...

He's got ugly teeth too. Should get caps or veneers.

Anonymous said...


What's up with the man-boobs in that pic?

And those stretched out lips.

He just looks like everything we've read about him on that jail website.

Cheers to 40, but not in this case. Oh and Happy New Year!