Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Great Find from a Reader!

Hey DH, Good job. Too bad your audience isn't larger yet. It would be nice if when viewers see your posts that the coments would automatically appear underneath without hitting the comments link. Some readers miss this link.If you post the following info as if it was comming direct from you no reader would miss it if they failed to click the comments link.

IN THE PINK NOW Are Brett's Berries in danger of being harvested?

BrettS is Brett Arthur Schulte also known as Brett Arthur.

Central Casting and Ms. Hwang of Pinkberry fame have recently discovered that... 20 October, while on a paid photo shoot to promote her product, Brett was busy blogging to the world of his distaste for her yummy frozen yogurt. http://twitter.com/bretts

This is professional sucide.

This is a case of Brett biting the hand that feeds him.Hey Brett, next time leave your Blackberry at home.


As always,



Anonymous said...

Brett do you need relief from all this?

Just get in your car, write "TUMS" on your inside passenger window, then do a low speed cruise of curbside sunset blvd.

Hey! Why would Gorge Michaels trust this bloke to have his phones password?

Who's he going to farm out his other "fixed" phones to?

Does Paris need to share her phone directory again?

Anonymous said...

IPhone yes.

IPhony no.